Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Organization (CELUO)

Like Bees We Shall Work! For A Peaceful and Healthy Community

Sustainable Agriculture

The organization was born out of the realization by the community members that Chikukwa land was slowly becoming a desert and the natural resource base which include soil, vegetation, water and animals was being lost.

District Child Protection

The Integrated Child protection program aims at creating safe and peaceful environment for children in Chimanimani district through strengthening child rights programs.

District Peace Program

The programme started in 2013 and is operating in 9 wards out of 23 wards in Chimanimani district. The programme promotes conflict transformation activities that builds peace and community cohesion.


About Us

Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Organization (CELUO) is a Chimanimani based organization registered under a deed of trust with the registrar`s office in 1996 in Zimbabwe.  The initial focus of the organization was Sustainable Agriculture & Natural Resources Management which aimed at addressing environmental challenges faced by the Chikukwa community such as lack of safe drinking water, overgrazing and land degradation.   With the passage of time, the organization attracted funding from the donor community and expanded its work into different wards within the Chimanimani district.  Apart from expanding its geographical coverage in the area of Sustainable Agriculture, CELUO has grown to the extent of addressing other thematic areas such as Child Protection and Peace-building at district level.

Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Community Trust (CELUO)

Builds the capacity of communities in Zimbabwe and beyond through training, peace-building, research and advocacy to enhance food security and livelihoods.

Our Pillars
Distric Peace Program

Communities are engaged in peacebuilding and have acquired the capacity to deal with conflicts in a constructive way.

Child Protection

Capacitated child protection committees in schools and the community addressing child protection cases efficiently and effectively, resulting in a safer environment for children

Sustainable Agriculture

Enhanced livelihoods and food security as a result of sustainable agriculture/ sustainable land use and through agro-ecology practices.

Like Bees We Shall Work! For A Peaceful and Healthy Community

from our experience


Explore our collection of insightful articles, thought-provoking essays, and engaging publications. Here, we delve into a wide range of activities happening in our community